Heart Centered Hypnotherapy

Tim Behrens, CHt

“What is it that you plan to do with this one wild and precious life” ~Mary Oliver

Meet Tim Behrens

Certified Master Hypnotist | Reiki Practitioner | Conscious Coach

My name is Tim, and I am grateful you have found your way here. I am a certified Master Hypnotist, studying at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI), one of the nation’s leading accredited programs for hypnotherapy. It has been the experience of a lifetime, learning so many new modalities and approaches that inform my practice…. biofeedback, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), the power of metaphor and therapeutic imagery, and a broad understanding that, at its core, every successful modality is about altering beliefs.​ If you believe something is possible, if you can feel it somatically, new doors will open, things that once felt impossible will start to show up in magical ways. My belief is that I am more aligned with who I am as a person when I am helping others discover who they are as well. It has been my great joy to see this path unfolding before me. And also my experience that creating lasting, meaningful change, is a challenging journey, one that requires support, community, discipline. And I bring all these tools, lessons, and more, to the table when working with you.

Tim Behrens

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful yet gentle approach to transformation, working directly with your subconscious mind to create lasting, positive change. As a hypnotherapist, I guide you into a deeply relaxed state where we can access and reframe patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. Through positive suggestion, we tap into your innate ability to heal and make choices that align with your true goals and values. Hypnosis is a versatile tool that can support meaningful shifts in nearly any area of life where you’re ready to change, grow, adapt, and thrive.

Your subconscious mind holds the keys to your fears, phobias, emotional patterns, beliefs, habits, behaviors, motivation, and more. Often, your conscious goals may feel out of reach because your subconscious programming isn’t aligned with your intentions.

Through hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you can reframe limiting patterns and release negative conditioning, empowering you to adopt a mindset that supports the life you truly want to create.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention where the mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestion, imagery, and reframing. Similar to the calm state experienced when deeply engrossed in a book or during moments of meditation, hypnosis allows our inner focus to strengthen, even as outer awareness remains present.

Through guided relaxation and focused imagery, therapeutic hypnosis helps bypass the critical mind, allowing us to work directly with the subconscious. This state makes hypnotherapy especially effective for managing stress, reducing pain, addressing limiting beliefs, and fostering emotional resilience. Hypnosis isn’t a therapy on its own, but a powerful tool that enhances therapeutic goals by accessing deep mind-body connections.

All of you is welcome here…

Whatever it is that you want to change, grow into, let go of, overcome, it is my joy and honor to walk the path with you. And to bear witness to how quickly things can change when you understand the mind, spirit, body… and when we collaboratively and consciously engage the underlying motivations and beliefs that move you through each day. Within each of us is an infinite potential to embody and live a fulfilled, balanced, joyful life. And it is my goal, my job, my joy, to help you create it.

My goal is to meet you wherever you are, to welcome all of the parts that have informed your journey and led you to this place, to help find the gifts and lessons in those harder times, as well as in the good, the knowledge and wisdom that comes from your unique path in its wholeness. I am a guest in your world. While I cannot know all of the things that will make it better, or the dreams you still have to discover, I do know that YOU have those resources, and answers, within you. And, together, we can start to surface them, strengthen them, use them to empower you step into new ways of being, to align with your ideal self.

For some, it might be letting go of self-limiting beliefs and old, outdated messages that play over and over like a record player in your mind. For others, it might be moving past fears or phobias, events that have become a stumbling block to your goals and present experience. For others still, overcoming anxieties that keep you from attracting meaningful connection, fulfilling relationships, jobs that reflect your special skills and passions. Perhaps it’s leaving old vices, shedding bad habits, growing into more confidence, more creativity, more autonomy, more effective communication, loving yourself to the fullest.


How Effective Is Hypnosis?

The American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association have recognized hypnosis as a valid procedure since 1958.

A study in American Health Magazine, conduced by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD, and titled “Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice” found Hypnotherapy to have a 93% success rate after an average of 6 sessions. And here is what it found when compared to results for different types of therapies:



600 Sessions
Average cost: $120,000


Behavior Therapy

22 Sessions
Average cost: $4,950



6 Sessions
Average cost: $1200

Picture the change you seek beginning here. Send your questions, and let’s start the journey together

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